2021 Season Review


We have now guided nearly 275 rowers through their LEARN, EXPLORE and COMPETE programmes. Many of you new to the sport, captivated by the gift that it gives. Coastal rowing and adventuring is fun, hypnotic and so good for the mind and soul and ‘it’s not as easy as I thought’, is a well coined phrase.

We have absolutely loved meeting you all and prompting your coastal rowing journeys. From slipway demos, to skill development, to breathtaking sunrise moments, to the silences of sunsets. We have enjoyed hearing your stories, sharing snippets of news of your family and friends. Best of all, we have enjoyed seeing your progress and the sense of achievement spilling out, as we return to the slipway.

You have all come to RA for different reasons:

  • Some to face the challenge of learning something new and are now enjoying exploring with RA at times that suit. Some come alone, others come already bonded by friendship.

  • Some of you have come looking to fill a gap, left by a wide variety of significant life changing moments.

  • Some of you have come to create a gap, to find a sense of quiet and stillness- ‘me time’. A growing number of you have gone on to buy your own boats.

  • Some of you have wanted to prepare knowing you were heading into schools, colleges and universities with strong rowing programmes, to be a step ahead.

  • Many of you have learned and have transitioned into rowing clubs near and far, with the intention to row recreationally for fitness.

  • Many of you have started your competitive journeys and are already enjoying the camaraderie of crew rowing

Whatever your reason for learning, well done for starting. Enjoy your rowing journey and see you on the water again soon…

Anyone interested in joining us for the community Santa Aqua Dash con book their (free) seat here and donate their seat fee to the Oakhaven’s Charity appeal here

Southampton Boat Show

September was a busy month for us with our first Retail Show promoting Rowing Adventures Ltd and the sport of Coastal Rowing, with it’s proposed inclusion in the LA Olympics 2028.

We had many interesting conversations with visitors to our stand; boat manufacturers, popular adventure holiday companies looking for something new, experienced river rowers looking to adapt, river residents looking for versatile boats to own and launch easily, youth groups, adult recreational rowing groups both here and overseas…the list goes on. It was fabulous to talk the walk and share our experiences. It was great to see some of you lot too :-)

Our new stand and promotional banners and flags look dapper too.

Lymington Amateur Rowing Club Membership up by 40%

The programme we offer at RA Ltd is intended to encourage as many people onto the water, of all ages. We support all of your goals through Learning, Exploring and if you like, Competing too.

Both Jane and I are actively involved at Lymington Rowing Club as volunteer coaches. Jane’s emphasis is the Junior Squad for the Under 18 yrs and Kirsty is New Members Lead, Recreational Rowing Lead and Novice Ladies Coach.

We are so pleased that we can support you both at Rowing Adventures Ltd, in a flexi pay as you row capacity and/ or to transition onto LARC membership via The Try Crew Taster Programme.

The Rowing Club is thriving with increased membership in all squad areas; Junior, Recreational Rowing and Race Squads.

We were proud to note that the vast majority of the Junior LARC Championship Squad pictured below, started their rowing journey’s at RA Ltd.

JLARC Squad- winners of the South Coast Champs Junior Aggregate Trophy for 2021

Coastal Barbarians & South West Coastal League

Bob Cottell, from the Coastal Rowing Centre, Studland Bay has been a guiding mentor for both Jane and I on our journey with Rowing Adventures Ltd. Bob is the french LiteSport distributor into the UK and a fabulous Coastal Rowing Coach and member of the Coastal Barbarians team. He is passionate about the directional growth of Endurance and Offshore Coastal Rowing and we finally found some free regatta dates to join him and give it a try.

Both Jane and I, together with a few other LARC rowers were warmly welcomed into the SWCL fold. Both the Plymouth and Teignmouth events were very well organised and there was a distinct buzz in the air about the growth in participation numbers.

So, in association with LARC/LTSC/SWCL, we have added a NEW Lymington Offshore Rowing Regatta (LORR) onto the 2022 Race Calendar and are very excited to flagship this style of event in our area. More info to follow here soon.

Champions for Earth Row/ Swim

We had the pleasure of meeting and rowing with GB rower; Melissa Wilson and Greg Searle MBE, as part of the Oly Earth+ environmental campaign. Together with Iconic Swims and rowing friends; from Christchurch Rowing Club, we adventured from Bath Rd, Lymington, around The Needles and onto Scratchalls Bay for some swimming/ seaweed collection in the caves, returning on the incoming tide.

Photo: Lucy Hart, Kirsty, Melissa Wilson, Greg Searle, Jane, Julia Fabrizi

Champions for Earth/ Oly Earth+: Elite athletes campaigning for the environment.

Guinness Book of Records, Challenge 100: Furthest Distance Rowed in 12 hours.

One Quad Crew, as pictured below, became World Record holders (currently awaiting verification) in rowing 122.4km continuously in 12 hours. Rowing Adventures Ltd sponsored this campaign and were also support crew on the day. Kirsty, in the support rib for the duration and Jane as safety officer.

When the going got even tougher, these guys truly dug deep, pulled together and smashed the Russian record holders by 2.4km in incredibly tough conditions. It was amazing to witness. #respect

LOOKING into 2022

We are currently researching new programmes for 2022 and will provide more information about these programmes as they develop.

  • Rowing Adventures schools programme

  • Rowing Adventures for Children and Adults with Autism

  • Rowing Adventures adaptive programme

  • Rowing Adventures/ Coastal Barbarian Regatta Entry


Santa Aqua Dash 2021- £792.10 raised


Final Social Sunset Row of the season and the launch of the Autumn programme