Ocean Adventure Rowing

Prepare to Row an Ocean

Rowing Adventures can offer you a bespoke pathway to prepare you for your Ocean Rowing Experience.

Your recommended pathway will depend upon your prior experience, time frame, event and priority. Let’s start planning…

Indoor Rowing: to enable you to train independently, safely and efficiently.

Learn to Row (Scull): to offer you a fun progressive learning experience, in various sea states.

Try Crew Rowing/ Adventuring: to transfer your single skills into a Coxed quad for sequencing and then a Coxed Four (sweep) to learn with one blade depending on which type of boat you are destined for.

Gig Rowing: to experience one blade rowing in various sea states

Ocean Rowing: to experience rowing a Rannoch R45 (3 seater) in Lymington waters. Possible overnight stay options.

Kirsty is fully qualified as a Co-Skipper for Rannoch Adventures and has an association with the local Ebb and Flow Atlantic 2024 campaign crew.

Over two weekend this summer, this R45 is available to row on the Solent and in return we can support the Ebb n Flow Charities/ Campaign.

3 hour Adventure

180 mins session from Lymington Harbour Masters Pontoon @ Bath Rd

Availability: June 22, 23 and July 20 21 2024 before ‘Jasmine’ is shipped to La Gomera for the Worlds Toughest Row Challenge 2024.

  • learn how to use safety harness

  • transition movement between ‘oars’ and ‘cabin rest’

  • sculling square blade, 3 rowers at a time- c.30 min row

  • intro to instruments

  • learn to steer

  • intro to basic navigation

  • plan a localised route according to wind and tides

  • jetboil practice

1 hour Taster Experience

60 mins session from Lym Harbour Masters Pontoon @ Bath Rd

Availability: June 22, 23 and July 20 21 2024 before ‘Jasmine’ is shipped to La Gomera for the Worlds Toughest Row Challenge 2024.

  • learn how to use safety harness

  • transition movement between ‘oars’ and ‘cabin rest’

  • sculling square blade, 3 rowers at a time- c.30 min row

  • intro to instruments/ equipment on board